Thursday, September 3, 2009

Carson, Carson, Carson!

Carson did this again. This time around was not as pleasant and easy as the first. So after:
  1. one Pedatrician
  2. one Ear, Nose and Throat doctor
  3. multiple "tools"
  4. a screaming, fighting 3 yr. old (this kid is freakishly strong!)
  5. a shot for sedation (I cried. So NOT fun!)
  6. one wonderful husband who came to my aid after my teary eyed phone call
  7. a wonderful Aunt Carrie who watched our other 2 boys

2 hours later we were left with an extracted popcorn kernel and this banged up, bloody right ear. Luckily there is no damage to the ear drum, just the inside is scratched up. I was emotionally exhausted by the end. Poor kid. I think he will really NEVER do that again......atleast we can hope!


Tim said...

Just passing through and read your post. I went through the same thing with my youngest son and a small plastic ball from a toy gun a few years ago. They ended up having to put him under to get it out of his ear.
Kids!!! lol

cpcox99 said...

I'm so glad he (and you) are okay. That was a traumatic afternoon! Have you banned popcorn at your house now? :)

Caytee said...

Oh bless his heart. I HOPE he doesn't do it again. If not, then you are going to have a hard time disciplining this kid! Ha ha! Bless your heart for going through it all. It's easy as a nurse and helping with other kids but I know it's sure hard with your own. If you need anything, let me know! We sure love that boy...even with popcorn kernals in his ear.

Lindsay said...

That's are going to have to put ear plugs in from now on and just talk really loud to him! Oh Carson!! Hope YOU have recovered from the stressful afternoon!

Melissa said...

I'm glad he's ok and that you survived. I can't imagine going through all that...I probably would have called my husband teary eyed too! Hopefully he's learned now and won't do it again (but you never know with toddlers...:)

Heather said...

Oh wow, I can't even imagine that ordeal. Poor little guy, and poor worried Mom! We're glad everything turned out okay.

JM Inc. said...

Poor guy, and poor you! I'm so glad his hearing is intact. Life with boys is so different from life with girls...thanks for the sneak peek at what's in store with my Max!

Renae said...

oh :-( You didn't mention this on the phone! I'm so sorry...That must have been traumatic!
Maybe you should have named him Carson Orville Cox?