Saturday, November 8, 2008

Calling A New Kids Fans

First of all, a disclaimer to this post. I realize I may be mocked, teased, and made fun of for what is to come in this post. And I am ok with that! Lets step a few years back in time in Michelle's life.....ok, quite a few years! She is 13 years old and there is an extremely popular band....New Kids On The Block. She had the opportunity to go to their concert at the Puyallup Fair and totally fell in love with them! The walls of her room were covered, and I am talking no visible wall at all, of pictures of Jonathan, Jordan, Danny, Donnie, and Joey. (I have pictures somewhere of my walls that I will post later if I can find them.) She knew every word to every song of theirs (and still does, sadly enough).
She and her friend even learned the dance to the song "The Right Stuff". Anything that had to do with New Kids she was all about it! Yep, I was one of those girls. I thought I was going to marry Jordan (thank heavens that didn't come to pass. A couple of years later I grew out of that love for NKOTB, and they later broke up. So, flash forward to the present. They have reunited and decided to go on of their stops being here. Of course, I thought twice about it. But was not about to pay for tickets to go. So, I won them on the radio. (BTW Nate was working to get some for me as a surprise before I won sweet! Love you Nate!) Realizing that there may not be too many fans out there, I ask this question anyway:
I promise I won't scream the whole time, cry or faint! =-) If you want to go, just leave a comment and if I have multiple takers (which lets be real, I will be lucky to get one!) I will draw a name. It would be fun getaway from kids, and it's free! Doesn't get any better than that!


smiles said...

Hey there Mo,

I'd go,but darn I'm not there and I won't be there for another couple of months...I totally loved their music too...I remember when they came to the Puyallup Fair...Whoo..Hoo..Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'd go but I'm in Cali. I saw the show in San Jose and I must warn you, you will scream the whole time and so will everyone else. They were much better than I thought they would be and I fell in love all over again. Have fun!

Lindsay said...

Oh I would love to witness you at the NKOTB concert. I am recalling a story about you begging your parents for the NKOTB jean jacket but they refused to get it for you! Hilarious. How many tickets do you have???

Abbi said...

That is so cool you got tickets!! I hope you have so much fun, I'm sure you will. Why don't you take Nate? I don't think I would fully appreciate it, never actually knowing the young NKOTB. :) Let me know how it goes!

Michelle said...

I have just 2 tickets. One for me and one for some lucky person! :-)

Michelle said...

oh and yes, Linds, you recall right, but it was their tour jacket. They were smart parents!

DebLawson said...

oh my gosh, Michelle! sooo funny!

several years ago I brought my nieces to see Backstreet Boys and tons of the girls there at the concert had NKOTB shirts or had it written down their arms! oh my!

Now, I must tell you, I was never into NKOTB, 'cause I was super new wave and loved the Smiths, REM, Depeche Mode and the Cure!(oh, I was so incredibly cool...) in fact, I teased girls like you!! :)
It would be a super fun concert! You should take your friend Lindsay with you since she remembers how crazy you were about these boys.. er, I mean, Men!!!

I'm sure Chloe would go with you if no one else can!! ;)

Beth's Place said...

Michelle you know I would totally go with you if I could fly down there. I'll be with you in spirit and will try to listen to New Kids' music Sat. night.
Don't forget to tell everyone about the video you, Crystal, and I made and sent for the New Kids. And fess up girl! I believe we went to two or three concerts. We had New Kids' watches (Thank you to you Sandy!). I'm surprised you didn't name one of the boys after a New Kid!!!
Remember to "Hang In Tough" because "You've Got The Right Stuff." Call me or email me all the details! Have fun!

Jana said...

How did you even know they had reunited and coming in concert? Do you still listen to their old music in secret and dream of this day?!! (Hee, hee). Hope it is fun.

Gary wants to know if you really won them or if they were just giving them away to anyone who would take them? :)

Beth's Place said...

You know I would totally go with you if I could fly down. I believe you are leaving out a few other details of your devotion to NKOTB. I believe we went to at least two concerts or maybe three. Your mother gave us New Kids' watches. We made a video for the New Kids with Crystal and mailed it to them. Wasn't your middle school locker cover with New Kids, and oh, don't for get the New Kids T-shirts.
You know, I'm surprised you didn't name one of the boys after on of them!
Have lots of fun at the concert! Call me or email me with the details. "Hang In Tough" because "You've Got The Right Stuff" and remember "You're my "Popci-Girl!"

Anonymous said...

Dawter....would like to go with you. What I'd do, is take a video camera and capture your reactions during the entire concert. How fun would that be. ears are ringing just thinking about it.'s what I'm going to do...try and win some tickets for the concert at the Tacoma Dome and then give them to Beth. I'm hoping that you do find the pic's of your one will believe it. Oh...the coat? We ordered was too big for you and I kept it (closet NKOTB fan)...just kidding. Anxious to hear what you thought of the event.

Dani said...

You are so funny! Have fun at the concert! :)