Friday, March 21, 2008

Oh Colby

Last night this was a conversation we had:

Colby: Are you 18, mom? (he thinks this is my age because it is my favorite number)

Me: No although it would sometimes be nice to be that young again.

Colby: How old are you?

Me: 31

Colby: your old!

I guess to a 4 year old 31 is old. I will take that.

Me: Ask Papa how old he is.

Colby turning to his Papa: How old are you, Papa?

Papa: 65

Colby with a funny look on his face: Are you going up to heaven?

Oh my these kids just keep me laughing! I love his little mind!


Marian said...

Dear Michelle, I was commenting to Emily about how your Mom was doing and she mentioned it was on your blog. After I have read your entries I just wanted to let you know our prayers are with you and you Mom. You are a great example of someone who honors her parents. We love you and your family. Love, Marian

Jana said...

I had to vote for a boy, so that when I have another boy, our bazillion boys and hang out together!!