Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Knight in Shining Armour!

Tag, I am it! Here we go!

1. Who's your man? C. Nathan C*
2. How long have you been together? We started dating 6 years ago.
3. How long did you date? About 5 1/2 months.
4. How old is your man? 29, yes, I robbed the cradle a little! :-) And Nate doesn't let me forget it! :-)
5. Who eats more? Nate does, although I like to eat too!
6. Who said "I love you"first? Nate did in my apartment. He started out by saying that he was falling for me. So cute!
7. Who is taller? Nate, and I am so glad!
8. Who sings better? Hmmm....we both like to sing. I would say Nate. Is more on tune then me.
9. Who is smarter? Nate, for sure. He amazes me!
10. Who's temper is worse? Neither of us have tempers
11. Who does the laundry? Me, every Monday.
12. Who does the dishes? We both do. Nate is so great at helping out!
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Nate does.
14. Who pays the bills? We both do.
15. Who is better with the computer? Nate, for sure. After all he does it for a living. Although, I am not too shabby myself.
16. Who mows the lawn? Nate. I hate to say it, but I have never mowed a lawn before. Sad, isn't it?
17. Who cooks dinner? Usually me, but sometimes Nate does. Like I said, he is a great help!
18. Who drives when you are together? Mostly Nate, and I am a backseat driver. He loves it! :-)
19. Who is most stubborn? I think we are both equally stubborn, but not bad at all.
20. Who's parents do you see the most? Definately Nates. They live in state, where my parents are 1000 miles away.
21. Who kissed who first? Depends on who you ask....Nate claims I did, but it was so mutual! :-)
22. Who asked who out? Again, that is up for debate. Nate would say me, but I would say I was just dropping some hints. :)
23. Who proposed? Nate did during the SLC Winter Olympics at the SLC Temple. I was so surprised! It was so wonderful! We even had two sister Missionaries as on lookers.
24. What is something you enjoy doing together? Playing tennis. Although, Nate is way better than me, so he is nice to play with me.
25. Who has more siblings? Nate does by 1.
26. Who wears the pants in the family? I think we share it. He is the head of the family, though.

Nate is the best! I love him so much and am so glad that we get to go through the ups and downs of life together. He really is my best friend and still makes me laugh. I love being with him! He is my perfect match. Nate, I love you!


Crystal said...

Nate is great. You are so good for him. It is fun to see how you encourage his fun ideas. I love that the Italian ice store is named after you. We sure love having you in our family.

P.S. I love the new look. I will have to get some help on improving mine when we come down there.

Abbi said...

You are a perfect match. And I think you do such a good job of parenting together. You are a good example to Chad and me.

Abbi said...

Oh, and I forgot to say, that is such a cute picture of you and Nate from your wedding!

Caytee said...

Michelle, I have to admit you have a great catch. But he didn't do too bad himself. I sure do love both of you...A WHOLE STINKIN LOT!

Jana said...

That was fun getting to know him better. I loved your wedding pics!

DebLawson said...

Good job, Michelle! You and Nate make a lovely couple!